FALLEN, an action film which has been described as DIE HARD in the White House. The story revolves around a former Secret Service agent (played by superstar Gerard Butler) who tries to save the White House after terrorists attack the presidential residence. Aaron will have the "honour" to play the president of the United States of America. It is interesting that this Antoine Fuqua (KING ARTHUR) project has a rival film in WHITE HOUSE DOWN which will see Channing Tatum do pretty much the same thing of saving Mr. President who is in this case a black one - played by Jamie Fox.
According to "Deadline" a bunch of actors have joined dramatic comedy THE WAY, WAY BACK: Rob Corddry, Amanda Peet and Maya Rudolp have joined Toni Collette, Steve Carell, Sam Rockwell in this comedy in which the story follows a teenage boy (Liam James), who forms a friendship with a local water-park manager (Sam Rockwell). In one summer's time, this new friend helps him come face to face with his abusive stepfather (Steve Carell) and repair his relationship with his mother (Toni Collette).
Now, here's one of the weirdest trailers I've seen in recent times - the first clip for a very chilling and suspenseful sf thriller THE PROTOTYPE coming from writer/director Andrew Will and THE BANDITO BROTHERS company who made ACT OF VALOUR film . Not much can be found on the film (it isn't even listed at IMDB) but judging from the trailer brilliant Joseph Mawle (great in GAME OF THRONES as Benjen Stark, but he left me speechless in his deeply touching and magnetic role in BBC's BIRDSONG next to Eddie Redmayne who gave one of the most haunting performances ever seen on TV in that mini series) plays some kind of human robot whom government is chasing and trying to catch after he runs away from a shut down experiment project. Neal McDonough (CAPTAIN AMERICA) can also be seen in the cast.
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