Set in the not too distant future, UNDER THE DOME tells the story of the residents of the small town of Chester's Mill, Maine, who suddenly find themselves cut off from the rest of the world by a mysterious, impenetrable barrier that unexpectedly falls down from nowhere surrounding the town. As the town begins to tear itself apart through panic, a small group of people attempt to maintain peace and order while also trying to uncover the truth behind the barrier and how to escape from it. Faced with the new situation, the people of Chester's Mill will first experience faith, then fear and then fascism since everything will go wrong under the dome and they will need an iron fist to bring them order!
Mike Vogel plays Dale "Barbie" Barbara, an Army veteran in town on a mysterious mission. Rachelle Lefevre is Julia, an investigative reporter who takes an interest in Barbie. Colin Ford is Joe, a smart teenager whose parents are trapped outside the barrier. Natalie Martinez is Deputy Linda, a loyal and ambitious sheriff's deputy. Ned Bellamy is Rev. Lester Coggins. Dean Norris is James "Big Jim" Rennie, politician and owner of Jim Rennie's Used Cars, who seeks to use the dome as a way to gain control of Chester's Mill. Alexander Koch is Junior Rennie, Big Jim's emotionally disturbed son. Britt Robertson is Angie McAlister, an aspiring nurse with dreams of escaping the town. Nicholas Strong is Phil, a popular radio DJ with a dark secret. Jolene Purdy is Dodee, a radio engineer who makes contact with the outside world. Aisha Hinds is Carolyn Hill, a Los Angeles entertainment attorney who is trapped in the town with her partner and teenage daughter. Jeff Fahey is Howard "Duke" Perkins, chief of the police department.
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