comedy in which the story revolves around a disgraced chef who loses his prestigious restaurant in Paris. He decides to bring his old crew back together in an attempt to create the world's greatest restaurant in London. This will not be Bradley's first outing into the world of master chefs, since he started his career in charming and delightful, but shortlived, television show KITCHEN CONFID- ENTIAL. Bradley has revealed recently that he loves cooking in his own life too! Beside the third part of the HANGOVER comedy series later this year, you shall watch Bradley next year alongside Jennifer Lawrence in SERENA, a film set in the 19030s in which they play the ruthless and ambitious owners of a timber empire.
Variety also reports that Australian star Sam Worthington has joined FOR THE DOGS, Phillip Noyce's action thriller based on a novel written by author Kevin Wignall which revolves around an assassin, who helps a
young college girl get revenge on the people that murdered her parents and younger brother. Meanwhile, if you missed Irish hunk Jamie Dornan after his character was prematurely killed off in fantasy show ONCE UPON A TIME, you can breathe easily - ABC has officially confirmed that the character of the sheriff will come back in one of the upcoming episodes of the ultrapopular series. A bunch of other TV stars have joined the show too - HEROES' actress Rena Sofer will play Snow White's mother, SMALLVILLE star Cassidy Freeman will appear in the episode with giants, DOWNTON ABBEY's cook Lesley Nicol will appear as a member of Snow White's family, Rose McGowan from CHARMED will play younger version of Cora, while LAST RESORT's Chad Michael Collins will play Frankenstein's brother.
young college girl get revenge on the people that murdered her parents and younger brother. Meanwhile, if you missed Irish hunk Jamie Dornan after his character was prematurely killed off in fantasy show ONCE UPON A TIME, you can breathe easily - ABC has officially confirmed that the character of the sheriff will come back in one of the upcoming episodes of the ultrapopular series. A bunch of other TV stars have joined the show too - HEROES' actress Rena Sofer will play Snow White's mother, SMALLVILLE star Cassidy Freeman will appear in the episode with giants, DOWNTON ABBEY's cook Lesley Nicol will appear as a member of Snow White's family, Rose McGowan from CHARMED will play younger version of Cora, while LAST RESORT's Chad Michael Collins will play Frankenstein's brother.
Another popular hunk who's been on the rise recently, Zac Efron will join Akiva Goldsman's science fiction project THE FALLING. Not much is known about the plot, but the supernatural film will revolve around some otherworldly beings. Zac has more than five films released this year, including ART OF STEAL, in which he plays a master thief, ARE WE OFFICIALLY DATING, in which he plays a confirmed bachelor who tries to avoid getting caught in a relationship, AT ANY PRICE, where he plays the son of Dennis Quaid who wants his son to take over his modern agriculture empire. Zac will also join Malin Akerman, Jason Sudeikis, Goldie Hawn in THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU, a story about a Jewish family that isn't used to observing their faith's traditions and is forced to fulfil their father's final wish and sit Shivah together for an entire week and confront their problems.
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